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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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12 Feb 2007, 1:05 pm

my son used to take three people to hold him down while one cut it (wayyyyy before i realized what the issue was) now i have his dad take him and regularly I warn him three days before and we talk about how it goes role play i guess. it has eased his mind to do it regularly..... i think too he could feel my tension and it made it worse cuz now he is much better at it..... something i never thought would be a possibility....

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12 Feb 2007, 1:38 pm

I still fight with the hairstylist. They just don't understand that I DON'T WANT THE GODDAMN HAIR IN MY EYES.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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12 Feb 2007, 4:09 pm

Getting my hair cut was awful as a child. I always felt like the scissors were yanking my hair out. I minimized the problem by getting short buzzcuts, which meant I didn't have to get cut very often, and reduced my exposure to scissors.


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13 Feb 2007, 1:08 pm

My 12 year old used to freak out when she was 3 and under. To top it off, I am a hairdresser!
My mother would wrap her in a towel to restrain her and I would cut fast!! !! !! SHe would scream and cry the whole time.
Now she has no problem with it.
You just have to make it into a routine and keep telling him he is o.k and promise him a reward after. Cut his hair often so he gets used to it. Say it is time for your monthly haircut. He will then start asking for it.

I empathize with you, why do simple things have to be sooooo hard?! !! !! !!


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16 Feb 2007, 12:08 pm

YES, Both of my boys freak out when it's time for a haircut.

My 12 year old complains about how bad his hair looks but hates it cut. Once last year he cut it himself! 8O It looked bad! Last week he shaved an eyebrow off. :? Not sure why he thought that would be a good look but he looked ridiculous. :lol:

My 11 year old hates his cut so bad that even I have to practically tie him down. Usually he looks awful even after a haircut and there is nothing we can do. :?


Oldest son Tristan 3/30/94 ~Aspergers
2'nd son Jacob 4/27/95~Possibly in spectrum will know soon
Daughter Haylee 11/06/96~Just MOUTHY!!
Baby girl Isabella ~10/05/05


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16 Feb 2007, 12:56 pm

I (personally) freak out at the process though I have always been able to "deal" with it, actually it has gotten worse as I have gotten older.

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16 Feb 2007, 1:23 pm

en_una_isla wrote:
Is there anyone else who has to cut their AS child's hair at home, because they freak out during the process, and no barber shop will take them?

i thought it was just me who had that problem, my son is having tests soon to find out if he has Aspergers and he will only have me to cut his hair, he is severely dyslexic and has odd behavior or so his teachers have told me, he will rock back an forth has been doing this since he was small he also won't look you in the eye when he talks to you and hates his routine to be changed, he gets stressed out with himself, with me and the situation if it is changed.

i don't know what the tests involve to be honest but no doubt i will find out soon.

Tufted Titmouse
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19 Feb 2007, 2:53 pm

My son is 8 and awaiting a positive diagnosis of aspergers. From being very young he freaks once he sees the clippers or scissors or anything to do with haircuts.
Nowadays he is more co-operative as in he will stand there but he scrunches his neck up so much, that i cannot possibly cut the back of his hair.With coaxing he will try to relax but its a long drawn out procedure.

Sea Gull
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14 Oct 2007, 10:37 am

my son does the same thing, he was okay with it the first couple times then freaked out in the middle of a haircut, so i decided to do it myself, at my parent's house while grandpa holds him,thankfully a snuggle rather than a restraint. i have even buzzed my dad's hair first to show him it is okay.
i try to put it off as long as possible as well. he says hedoesn't like the noise, so i guess we'll try going back to a shop, he say scissors would be okay. i guess we'll see.


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15 Oct 2007, 2:05 pm

I cut all my kids' hair. My suspected AS or Fragile X son has sensory issues with water on his head or face and hates getting it sprayed at the stylist. He's African American, so I just buzz it short and fade it. I do a good job IMO. My 9 y/o AS daughter HATES having her hair cut, brushed, styled, anything. She hates having her hair touched. We kept it chin length with bangs until she was 6 because she hated it being fixed and I hated her hair being all in her face. She's grown it out and takes care of it herself now- can't stand me to fix it at all. I also cut my 4 y/o DD's ultra curly African American hair and style it with cornrows, braids, twists, etc. She also hates having her hair done- she seems to have a very sensitive scalp. She's NT.

BTW, I was the same way as my 9 y/o(bio child BTW) and I still HATE, HATE, HATE it when people touch my head or mess with my hair. I can't stand hair in my face, etc- I usually wear it pulled back in a ponytail because I hate wearing it down. I've tried short cuts, but I tire of them quickly.


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15 Oct 2007, 6:52 pm

My son goes absolutely nuts as soon as he hears the clippers. I cut hubby's hair and both of the kids, thankfully I'm pretty good at it. My daughter's is very long, so there's no real issue there. My son starts crying as soon as the clippers click on because he knows it is haircut time. I use the guides and do a #2 on the back and sides and a #6 on the top. At least, all summer I did. I think I am going to let it grow out so I don't have to use the clippers for a while, just trim. I'm 150% sure no shop would even attempt to wrestle his screaming butt to give him a haircut. We do everything to calm, soothe and distract him, but the effects of those efforts are modest at best.

My husband, who is also on the spectrum, hates having his hair cut too. For him, the sensory bit of it with the hair clippings on his face just drives him bonkers.

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Blue Jay
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18 Oct 2007, 10:04 am

hair cuts are hellish! My son hates having his hair cut! His cousin is a stylist and we tried having her cut his hair but he screams and squirms and wants to walk around in the middle of the process so I just do it at home. We also have an issue with cutting nails. He will not let me cut them until they are so long one of them breaks--we call them vampire nails. Don't know if he'll out grow this or not. My husband shaves his own head because he doesn't like going to someone else.

Emu Egg
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20 Oct 2007, 10:12 am

That's so funny. I cut my son's hair at home, too. He used to scream the whole way through, and I could only use scissors. Now he just screams a little, and I can use the clippers (he's almost seven).

Pileated woodpecker
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20 Oct 2007, 12:38 pm

When I was younger (4-7?) I would absolutely not let my hairdresser wet my head. So it was rather difficultfor her, cutting dry hair. Then she convinced me that it wouldn't be painful to have my hair wet as long as my neck and scalp didn't get wet.
The wetness part doesn't bother me now, but the sound of hair being cut is not pleasant. And when they put their scissors on my neck! GAHHHH! I very obviously wince, but they never get it.


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29 Oct 2007, 11:47 am

Yes, that would be me! I took him in for one haircut and he kicked the lady! I used to cut him hair when he was little when he was asleep!! !! I'd put a towel under him and cut away. Now though, he's 7 and he did a great job getting his haircut at a salon the last time. He wouldn't let me or his brothers come by and watch him, but he was cooperative with the lady. But just think of all the money we've saved getting haircuts at home!


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05 Nov 2007, 6:14 am

Mum said I bailed up on having haircuts when I was four because they promised they wouldn't cut my hair short but they did. Mum had a "thing" about my having short hair. After that, she could occasionally cut my hair but it was years before I would go to a hairdresser again and these days, I might go to a hairdresser once or twice a year, tops. I don't like strange people touching my hair and face.

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