Ah, I saw this and realised I hadn't updated.
My husband and I are separated, and my son spends 3 nights a week at his father's house. His father refuses to accept that our son may be autistic, despite the school, the paediatrician, the Speech and Language Therapist and the Educational Psychologist saying informally (still awaiting formal assessment after more than a year!) that he is, and working out various accommodations and plans on that basis. My husband's sister, who works with autistic children, is also convinced that our son is autistic.
My son has been banging his head on whatever surface is at hand since he was a baby, and this is what first alerted the school. I then went to the Health Visitor, and a whole process of appointments, assessments and observations by various professionals followed. My soon to be ex husband maintains that it it me who is trying to "label" him and that I'm making it all up for some inexplicable reason.
According to my stbx husband, our son doesn't bang his head. He has a bald spot on his head where he bangs it!! !
Anyway, I mentioned melatonin to my husband and he instantly went on the attack. Said that it was "unconscionable to pump a child full of hormones" and all sorts of other ill considered and ill informed comments.
I said that if we could agree a sleep plan we could give it a go for two weeks to see if that worked. It isn't working, and next week I will go to the doc and get a prescription.
As regards the sleep issue, I don't think my husband realises how much sleep our son should be getting in relation to how little he is getting. I also think that my husband is unaware that our son being in his bedroom does not mean that he is asleep. My husband's house is much bigger than mine, and my husband's hearing isn't as good as he thinks it is - so I think that our son is often awake and quietly busy in his room while his father is downstairs watching TV with the sound turned up, completely unaware of what his son is doing.
End rant!