t0 wrote:
Lucymac wrote:
Just wondering who are these famous, celebrity people with AS? Is it true Bill Gates has AS, Abraham Lincoln, Emily Dickinson or are these just educated guestimates???
I'll give you a hint: Abraham Lincoln and Emily Dickinson died before Hans Asperger was alive.
So, before Hans Asperger did his research, nobody had Asperger's Syndrome?
Does that mean that before Martinus Beijerinck's work in 1898, there were no viruses? Or that until the advent of Niels Bohr, electrons didn't orbit nuclei in atoms?
That's as absurd as claiming that I can't have AS because I was born in 1963, and the diagnosis didn't make it into the DSM until 1994.
Now, mind you, evidence suggests that Lincoln suffered primarily from Marfan's Syndrome, with a strong possibility of bouts of major depression, and personally I think Dickinson was afflicted mostly with Poetry and Being-an-Intelligent-Woman-In-Victorian-Era-New-England Disorder...
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.