So, this is not really funny, but I thought it was insightful and accurate.
We (me, my hubbie, my daughter and my son with PDD-NOS) were watching an old episode of Sliders on Hulu (TV show where people are caught jumping from one alternate universe to another). On this episode, the women were in power and the men had been made to be less than men. Kind of women's rights in the 50's in reverse. In the end, the male character was running for mayor, and he thought he would get out of the election by crying on camera. Instead, it won the hearts of the people, because of his womanly sensitivity. Now I am not here to dispute the inaccuracies or the merit of the TV show, instead I just wanted to set up for my son's comment. My son, who is very sensitive, prone to anxiety and has problems controlling his tears, proudly said the following after viewing the show:
"On that world, maybe I could be President."
This broke my heart in so many ways. Here is my son who supposedly doesn't get social cues, supposedly doesn't have empathy, realizing that he is very different from others and it limits him in this world, that it makes it harder to be accepted, and somehow he seems to others as less of a male.