Why parents should hope for Autistic children

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27 Jun 2009, 9:05 am

I was recently at the home of a friend who, within the past ten years, has produced three Neurotypical little s**ts, and is expecting another on the way. Writhing, screaming, howling, frog-like s**ts, with puffy little red ogre's faces, beads for eyes, and flat little button noses beneath blonde Aryan hair like dead straw. These little s**ts kept walking up to me, saying the same s**t over and over again, howling and screaming at me in their high-pitched shrills, no matter how much I told them to f**k off in as polite a way as I could possibly think of. Apparently these neurotypical little reverse-shits do not understand the meaning of "No" or "I'm not interested". Oh, how I only wish abortion were legalized...
It came to me then that most parents should not fear, but instead hope for shy, quiet, socially ret*d little autistic children who stay in their rooms, reading, drawing, writing, painting, and above all learning. Children who know to bother no one. It has always confused me how fear-mongering documentaries on Autism tried to portray Autistic children being "in their own little world" as a bad thing, when it means simply that they are not only more civil but also are allowed a greater degree of contact with the other planes of existence that most of us fear and in our fear attempt to dismiss as mere illusion.
So, expectant and hoping parents, please, please pray for a little Autistic child who knows his or her place and won't bother anyone, instead of the hideous waste of flesh and resources that so many loud and monstrous neurotypical children seem to be.


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27 Jun 2009, 9:41 am

Well the way you put it, Autism sounds appealing..

However, Autism/Aspergers can put a tremendous financial strain on a family, with seeing doctors/specialists, drugs, and therapy. It can also lead to mental and marital tension as well. While there are positives to autism, like you stated, I don't necessarily think the pro's outweigh the cons.

Reality is a nice place but I wouldn't want to live there

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27 Jun 2009, 9:48 am

Autism can also be s**t for the child themselves, especially while they're growing up. I wouldn't wish it on any other child. Not now anyway, with the lack of understanding and support.

People should adopt kids who are already here anyway.


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27 Jun 2009, 9:55 am

Again, depends on the severity of the autism.

Myself, and a few other people with AS that I know were very placid as children. Like you describe. Reading, Writing, doing crafts alone.

But there are some children with AS and classical autism that are just as loud and disruptive as many NT children.

As for therapies, you also have to consider whether or not the kid NEEDS those therapies. If the kids really are the "sit alone in their room doing things" kind, then they probably don't need therapy in the first place.


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27 Jun 2009, 10:07 am

Katie_WPG wrote:
If the kids really are the "sit alone in their room doing things" kind, then they probably don't need therapy in the first place.

Many parents and psychiatrists would likely disagree with you, unfortunately :(


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27 Jun 2009, 10:20 am


Need more tigers.

Tigers eat people. Too many people. Not enough tigers.

How many tigers? Can you guess?

One per week. 1/3 get eaten. Live to 69. 6 Billion people.

600,000 tigers needed.

Evil in threes.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-CHEnJ7 ... annel_page

A boy and his dog can go walking
A boy and his dog sometimes talk to each other
A boy and a dog can be happy sitting down in the woods on a log
But a dog knows his boy can go wrong

Last edited by sgrannel on 27 Jun 2009, 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.


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27 Jun 2009, 10:22 am

Those kids just sound like brats, thats just bad parenting. My younger son has classic autism and will at time vocalize very loudly while were out of the house but I'll alway remind him to use his inside out of the house voice and unless he's on the verg of breaking down and we'll remove him from were ever we are to the car or bathroom until he is ok again. We get coments from doctors and other peaple who know about autism about how well behaved he is <most of the time>.My older son who is as far as we know or care to know is classifed as a nt kid but is alot like the kid you desribed sitting in there room doing what ever he intrest is atm right now he's making his own card games. Teachers other parents ect tell me all the time what a great kid he is but he was also taught to respect others and how to behave from the time he could walk. My point being kids do what they can get away with it's human. My boys know if you do XYZ you'll get Computer time, to go to the park ect and if they don't they won't it's easy. It was the same when I was growning up with my 2 brothers and sister if we were good kids we got to do the things we liked if were weren't we got to do nothing until we could prove that we could behave <alway harder then behaving in the first place>. Anyway I belive all kids can be spoiled nasty brats if not given the right kind of guidance and all kids can be a joy if they are taught how to behave. :)


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27 Jun 2009, 10:22 am

sgrannel wrote:

Need more tigers.

Tigers eat people. Too many people. Not enough tigers.

How many tigers? Can you guess?

One per week. 1/3 get eaten. Live to 69. 6 Billion people.

600,000 tigers needed.

Evil in threes.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-CHEnJ7 ... annel_page

Dear me, what is this mess?

Well, at least you're a Garbage fan.


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27 Jun 2009, 11:07 am

The amazing thing is that noisy, obnoxious, dirty-minded, immature little brats grow into model citizens, with highly successful careers, handsome spouses and lots of children (all parents wish for grandchildren), while most of us grow into disappointing misfits and all-round failures...

"If you're using half your concentration to look normal, then you're only half paying attention to whatever else you're doing." - Magneto in "X-Men: First Class"


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27 Jun 2009, 11:58 am

I see what you mean (I definitely prefer Autie to NT kids). But, because of what I went through, I would never wish it on another child. If I would ever consider having kids (very unlikely) I would adopt (there is one acception to the adoption policy though/if I got a "signal" that I was supposed to have "this kid"/ :lol: yeah right). I would feel guilty if my child was given this condition b/c of me, but if they were NT, I would probably commit suicide (I am serious, most/but not all, NT kids make me crazy).

Balance is needed within the universe, can be demonstrated in most/all concepts/things. Black/White, Good/Evil, etc.
All dependent upon your own perspective in your own form of existence, so trust your own gut and live the way YOU want/need to.


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27 Jun 2009, 12:02 pm

Those kids just sound like brats, thats just bad parenting.
I have one Aspie and he behaves about as well as my older son, who is NT and his sister, who is 7 and also NT. :D

while most of us grow into disappointing misfits and all-round failures...
My kids, aspie or not, will never be a failure. As long as he is happy and is a law-abiding citizen, I'd say he turned out just fine. :)


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27 Jun 2009, 12:56 pm

Sounds like neglectful, bad parenting.
Just think how much potentially worse they could be if they were Aspies. :lol:


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27 Jun 2009, 1:00 pm

Hmmm lets see. Me... at... 4 years old....

*points at something*
*stamps feet*

30 minutes later...


I have no idea why you think kids on the spectrum are inherrently quiet or shy and to suggest a parent should hope for an autistic child is put quite bluntly... strange. If they want a quiet child, they should wish for a quiet child.


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27 Jun 2009, 3:33 pm

Yupa wrote:
I was recently at the home of a friend who, within the past ten years, has produced three Neurotypical little s**ts, and is expecting another on the way. Writhing, screaming, howling, frog-like s**ts, with puffy little red ogre's faces, beads for eyes, and flat little button noses beneath blonde Aryan hair like dead straw.

What the heck is wrong with little button noses and "blond aryan hair"?


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27 Jun 2009, 3:39 pm

gramirez wrote:
Well the way you put it, Autism sounds appealing..

However, Autism/Aspergers can put a tremendous financial strain on a family, with seeing doctors/specialists, drugs, and therapy. It can also lead to mental and marital tension as well. While there are positives to autism, like you stated, I don't necessarily think the pro's outweigh the cons.

the latter only goes for those cure-autism-now-like parents, who want to make NT kids out of their offspring...


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27 Jun 2009, 9:53 pm

Yeah, I imagine there are some people with AS and blond aryan hair...