First off, I think it is sad that those children are used like that.
With that said, I have to question their statistics on a few notes:
1) The one where it excludes all of the other pervasive developmental disorders except autism. They are making it look like the other ones do not count and people with those disorders are not work bothering.
2) The comparison to 1970 and today and they saying that better diagnostic tools are not the reason for the increase. That is not true. In 1970, Autism was not even in the DSM let alone the other disorders. Autism would have been diagnosed only by a chance psychologist that knew about it in 1970. Today, anyone in the medical profession knows about autism. Also, in 1970, only the more profound cases would have made it to the point of diagnosis. The rest were labled with other labels because they were not seen as the classical case of austim.
3) "The child develops normally until 2 years of age, then autism hits".This may be true if the current knowledge about proliferation and pruning of neurons is true (and I tend to believe it) but there are studies that have shown videos of children before the of 2 to psychologists where the psychologist was to guess whether the child would develop austim or not and most of them were correct.
Simply put, this video is very one-sided to show only the bad side of autism. I just hope they paid for the rights to the music that accompanies the video as I doubt it is in public domain yet.
Louis J Bouchard
Rochester Minnesota
"Only when all those who surround you are different, do you truly belong."
Fred Tate Little Man Tate