I was recently at the home of a friend who, within the past ten years, has produced three Neurotypical little s**ts, and is expecting another on the way. Writhing, screaming, howling, frog-like s**ts, with puffy little red ogre's faces, beads for eyes, and flat little button noses beneath blonde Aryan hair like dead straw. These little s**ts kept walking up to me, saying the same s**t over and over again, howling and screaming at me in their high-pitched shrills, no matter how much I told them to f**k off in as polite a way as I could possibly think of. Apparently these neurotypical little reverse-shits do not understand the meaning of "No" or "I'm not interested". Oh, how I only wish abortion were legalized...
It came to me then that most parents should not fear, but instead hope for shy, quiet, socially ret*d little autistic children who stay in their rooms, reading, drawing, writing, painting, and above all learning. Children who know to bother no one. It has always confused me how fear-mongering documentaries on Autism tried to portray Autistic children being "in their own little world" as a bad thing, when it means simply that they are not only more civil but also are allowed a greater degree of contact with the other planes of existence that most of us fear and in our fear attempt to dismiss as mere illusion.
So, expectant and hoping parents, please, please pray for a little Autistic child who knows his or her place and won't bother anyone, instead of the hideous waste of flesh and resources that so many loud and monstrous neurotypical children seem to be.