jdcaldwell wrote:
A side note, I may have misunderstood (I'm fairly new to the Aspergian world, as my son was relatively recenty diagnosed) but I had heard that one of the "symptoms" of AS is a lack of imagination, which doesn't seem to be the case. It seems like Benny and George both are indications of his creativity and imagination, especially since George specifically entertains him more than real people seem to.
I mean, I would never have thought to make up an advocate in order to get my way when I was his age. It's kind of impressive really, when I'm not arguing with a figment of my son's imagination

Ah, yes, that diagnostic criteria ...
While some AS seem to have no creative imagination at all, most seem to have amazing creative imaginations. I think the distinction we've come up with through various discussions on these boards is that AS have trouble imagining specific things, as in directed imagination. If you ask them to pretend they are the President, for example, they might go, "why? I don't want to be President." And, then, well, they can't get into that space. But if you just leave them be and let them create, they will.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).