I honestly don't know.
I have 1 (and soon probably 2 children) dxed Asperger's, who everyone says take after me
. I know I have many aspie traits (social difficulties, sensory issues, special interest, suck at eye contact, ridiculously poor coordination etc.), and a bunch of ADHD type stuff (cannot stay focused or organized to save my life -except of course when it comes to things I'm really interested in, terrible short term memory, no sense of direction etc.) I struggled with behavioural, and organizational issues when I was in school, and had/have social anxiety. Although assessment/therapy was recommended to my parents on many occasions, they did not "believe" in psychiatry and it was never done. They even refused to allow me to be moved into the gifted program.
So while I'd say many signs point to AS, I have no in interest in pursuing a formal dx. I am functioning in life quite well as an adult, and can't see the benefit. So ya, don't really know...
My DH had many traits as a child (extremely anti-social, strong aversion to noises and textures, speech issues etc.), but functions extremely well as an adult (he works independently out of a home office that is well away from the rest of the goings on in the house).