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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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06 May 2008, 2:57 am

Are you on the spectrum parenting a spectrum child?


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06 May 2008, 3:12 am

Not yet.

I'm pretty involved with my sisters' 7 children, though.

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06 May 2008, 5:17 am

no, but hubby is


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06 May 2008, 7:51 am

Asparents topic

I am a Spectrum parent, but my three children are NT. I do not post here unless the topic is strictly Aspie parents.

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06 May 2008, 8:52 am

I honestly don't know.

I have 1 (and soon probably 2 children) dxed Asperger's, who everyone says take after me :lol: . I know I have many aspie traits (social difficulties, sensory issues, special interest, suck at eye contact, ridiculously poor coordination etc.), and a bunch of ADHD type stuff (cannot stay focused or organized to save my life -except of course when it comes to things I'm really interested in, terrible short term memory, no sense of direction etc.) I struggled with behavioural, and organizational issues when I was in school, and had/have social anxiety. Although assessment/therapy was recommended to my parents on many occasions, they did not "believe" in psychiatry and it was never done. They even refused to allow me to be moved into the gifted program. :roll:

So while I'd say many signs point to AS, I have no in interest in pursuing a formal dx. I am functioning in life quite well as an adult, and can't see the benefit. So ya, don't really know...

My DH had many traits as a child (extremely anti-social, strong aversion to noises and textures, speech issues etc.), but functions extremely well as an adult (he works independently out of a home office that is well away from the rest of the goings on in the house).


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06 May 2008, 10:55 am

I am fairly certain I'm on the spectrum and so is my husband.

Snowy Owl
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06 May 2008, 2:19 pm

Yes, I come from a long line of aspies, an NT is the exception

Wife is a NT


Snowy Owl
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06 May 2008, 3:01 pm

I strongly suspect that I am. When I have taken tests online, I scored very high on both of them. When I read a description of AS, it sounds like me.

However, I also have temporal lobe epilepsy, which can share some traits with AS. Either way, I know that I am hypersensitive and share a lot of other traits with aspies.

I would be very surprised if my 10-yr-old dd isn't an aspie.


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06 May 2008, 5:06 pm

as well as being an aspie,dad is to sister [also aspie],and am [lf autism].

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06 May 2008, 5:30 pm

I am AS, hubby is almost certainly AS, our bio 10 y/o DD is HFA, plus we have 2, soon 3 adopted children.


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06 May 2008, 6:42 pm

Yes though technically my son hasn't been diagnosed yet, his symptoms are much more severe than mine ever were so I'm pretty sure he's just slightly lower than me on the spectrum (at least for now, but he is a boy so I hear they take longer anyway).

Snowy Owl
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07 May 2008, 9:36 pm

Yup. I'm an Asparent and I'm fairly sure that my kid has it too.

Sea Gull
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07 May 2008, 10:05 pm

Strongly suspect I have AS, my 8 yr old has a dx of AS, suspect my husband might be. Not sure about 6 yr old daughter or the baby. Daughter definitely has SPD, though.

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07 May 2008, 11:29 pm

Son is 'dx'ed' Aspie and my ADD Psychiatrist now strongly suspects the same with me.


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08 May 2008, 4:06 am

annotated_alice I'm kind've similar to yourself. Most of my probs were in school as a child - I seem to have grown out of them or just able to manage so much better now. I was very different at home than in school as a child. I had lots of anxiety in school as a child & thought everyone must feel the same but would just relax when at home or on our street. I felt in school overwhelmed & there was no escape! When I was a child I also thought I was on the wrong planet & had lots of aspie traits like ocd, lining up toys, collecting stuff, poor eye contact, sensory issues (my Mam had to buy me a special hat to wear whilst washing my hair). Luckily I've managed to overcome nearly all of my issues. I do find eye contact hard to do though still & struggle with my OCD. When I look at my son he is sooo similar to me, except I didn't have the meltdowns (was more introverted). Even though it was tough for me in school I'm glad I went through it as I do understand my son much more than if I hadn't felt those feelings. Eg. when he walks along a wall & falls off half way through he HAS to go back & start again as it wouldn't be right - I know exactly how that feels. My daughter is NT. She is so relaxed & has fantastic social skills. I was raised by a single mother & don't know my fathers side & all my mothers side are very social (NT) so I guess I learned from them to be very social. I'd say if I was reared by a different quieter family I'd be very different. Luckily I had great adults around me growing up who gave me great confidence & a love of life.


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14 May 2008, 7:57 am

My fiance and I are both on the spectrum and we have a 5 month old boy. I don't know if he is on the spectrum, I don't think he is, but we'll see. He has good eye contact, expressive facial features, and is really social. If anything, he's gifted.