teach2talk - has anyone used this series?

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14 Sep 2009, 11:52 am


I know that Jenny McCarthy is not the most popular person at WrongPlanet, but I am interested in purchasing some videos that are fun, but also model appropriate socializing and use of language.

Teach2Talk is one of these types of videos. Ms. McCarthy mentioned them in her book, but when I found the website for teach2talk, I learned that she is also a co-founder of the company (so OF COURSE SHE WOULD RECOMMEND IT BECAUSE SHE HAS A FINANCIAL INTEREST). Notwithstanding her financial interest - if the series is actually well made and useful - I would be willing to try it.

The series would actually be quite pricey for me - as I am "Canadian Rose" - I would have to pay the exchange rate, taxes duties and expensive shipping (the teach2talk site even openly admits to potential Canadian customers that it is expensive for us!!).

Soooooooo.... any parents out there who have viewed the teach2talk videos - what are your observations? Recommended or not? Worth the $$$$ or not?

Also, if you have positive experience with other videos that model language and social skills - please let me know.
