I would recommend printing it, because it may get more attention that way. Unless, your child has one of those wonderful teachers that are wanting to learn all that they can about ASD, chances are they'll read only part of the list, get tired of reading, and close it. We get so much info in our e-mails, FWDs ect... that we easily jump around to reading only parts of things. Plus, if they have it on paper they can refer back to it later. The good thing about the link, though is that it's connected to a lot of other articles, and info that they could also read. Tough decision. I kinda have to print it, because I don't want my kids' teachers to know that I'm also probably on the spectrum. There are some things in my blog, and on the other site that I really don't want them to know about me. It's not that I'm ashamed, it's just that it's not something I feel that they all need to know about.