My son 4.75yrs was always very easy going. Never minded anything new or different going on. He was always mostly flexible, and very compliant. his language is progressing wonderfully, and he is 'growing up' so much lately, he is also protesting allot more
His early intervention team have said that it is a good sign to see a child go through this disruptive phase, as it means they are moving on developmentally. (maybe delayed terrible twos ? , I dont know ! !!)
He is needing more time to transition, NEVER a problem before. He is protesting going to bed (just doesnt want to go) keeps getting out, and we have to put him back in several times now. This NEVER happened before.
Nothing else has changed for him that I can think of, except that he is coming on really well at the same time. Becoming more independant, better language etc. this a development leap, or is something else going on that I am missing ? Its kind of cute watching him being so passionate about things now, but its much harder to manage him, as he was so compliant up till now.
Any thoughts please ? xx