I'm sure as parents of children with AS or ASD you guys have heard a lot of things about why your kids are the way they are. I have had to develop a thick skin, because people want to blame me for my son't AS. My mother-in-law finally stopped accusing me of using drugs and/or drinking while I was pregnant (I just want to say, i have never used drugs, and I don't drink) She does, however, tell me that it was the vaccines that caused him to have AS, and/or if I just put him through a colon cleanse and give him special vitamins he'll be cured.
Other people in my family think I'm just a lazy parent who got my child diagnosed because I didnt want to take responsibility for him being a brat.
My mom, on the other hand, has had the hardest time adjusting and accepting this diagnoses. My son is her favorite of her 8 grandchildren (with my other 2 sons tied for second) and she has said many times "I refuse to accept that my grandson is disabled. How can you think he's autistic, he's brilliant!" Which kind of shows her lack of understanding of Aspergers, yes he is brilliant, and yes he does have AS, those things are not mutually exclusive, in fact, a lot if not most people with Aspergers are brilliant.
Anyway, she called me today and told me that she has been talking to my uncle (he's a pastor with a lot of ideas that I don't neccesarily agree with, even though I am a Christian) about my son. In his defense, my mom doesn't understand it, so what she told him about my son's diagnosis and behavior I'm sure is somewhat innaccurate. Anyway, he told her that it sounds like some kind of spiritual thing passed onto my son because he was "born out of wedlock", and that he will be "healed" if we "lay hands on him and pray"
I don't even know what to do with this. Like I said, I am a Christian, and I don't want to discount anyones beliefs, but really?
Why is it so hard to get support from the people who are supposed to be supportive? I am so confused, I'm a little sad, and a little angry, I don't even know what to feel about this...