digger1 wrote:
thanks folks.
She's not showing any of the classic symptoms of an ear infection. You know, tugging at ears, vomiting and so on.
I NEVER heard of vomiting, and there is no rule that says there has to be any tugging, etc....
digger1 wrote:
She's been up and down today. If she doesn't get her way (especially with bed), she'll pitch a fit. Otherwise, she's happy like right now. She ate a good portion of her dinner.
I, too think that her sleep was the main issue today. She was still in bed when I went into her room. I think I woke her up and toddlers do not like to be roused. Sleep inertia.
I could understaand how she feels. WHO CARES if she is NT, AS, autistic, or whatever? If she is REALLY feeling bad, she simply may NOT want to talk, and she hopes NO will get you off her back, etc.... I've been there! Just today, my mother, who worked her way into staying at my home a while, asked a LOT of questions. My answer to the FIFTH question was "You want to take a guess?" Do you know WHY!?!? Because my answer to the other four was "NOT TODAY!"