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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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11 Dec 2009, 11:34 am

It has been a very exciting week in our house!! ! Joey was accepted into a special needs preschool program at a community center near our home (Tallahasse Community Preschool). They have 3 ASD (NOS) Students, and 2 Aspie Students there! The Preschool was able to aid the parents in acheiving a specific diagnosis, and are going to help us too! They've already called the Progress Center (For Early Intervention) to come assess Joey in the New Year.
We've also got a confirmed date for his Hearing and Speach on 12 Jan!

Joey has been waking through the night a lot lately. Just up briefly, crying, until we go tuck him in and play with his hair for a few minutes, then he's out again. Sometimes its once a night, but nights like last night (5 times) and the night before (4 times) are really wearing me down. He also woke his sister last night (2 am!! ! ugh!) which made things even more fun.
Any advice on night waking, and things that can be done to make him sleep eaiser/better.



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11 Dec 2009, 9:28 pm

:D Great news ! As far as sleep goes just wearing my guys out with lots of outdoor play helps. Hopeful when preschool gets going for him it will help were him out.


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13 Dec 2009, 12:34 am

It's a common age for nightmares and night terrors, I'm afraid. I've tended to let my kids just crawl into bed with us during those phases - then we're right there.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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13 Dec 2009, 6:32 am

Unfortionately Joey won't sleep with us. We've never co-slept with our kids... he won't even allow us to lay in his bed with him. He did good last night... only woke once, and self soothed after about 5 seconds.
Thanks for the suggestion though... I will do some research on night terrors (My dad said that I had them when i was 5-9 y/o) and see what they say....
Its really freaking cold here right now, any suggestions on indoor activities (fairly big house) that may help burn the extra energy?
Thanks Again!


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22 Dec 2009, 4:02 am

I am an adult with pdd. I had horrible nightmares that affected me in the daytime as well at that age.
Celestal seasonings (a tea maker) makes a tea called "tension tamer" and "sleepy time tea" If you make him a pot of tea with both tea bags, it works as good as zanax without the side effects. But make sure that you use alot of honey in it since the tension tamer has a real "medicinal" taste to it.

I have a sleep disorder, and on the nights that I need to sleep, I use that combo. It is better and safer and cheaper than drugs and celestal seasonings is a good company.

Try that...if you can get him to drink it, he might sleep through the night.