Climber wrote:
Walks funny, very tall, back problems...are you certain that your son doesn't have Paget's or some other bone disease or hormonal imbalance?
Well, so far he´s OK with all that.The only thing orthopedic said is that he´s growing faster than his muscles etc. cannot fallow.He sais he has to do stretching and exercises, but he doesn´t understand that that´s as difficult to do as anything else because my son simply doesn´t cooperate.We realy tried.Even worse, my husband is a physiotherapist, one would think GREAT, you can help him 100%, but his reaction is very, very poor to all of that. Unfortunately, even though I think, someone else would do the job with him better, here comes the problem, there isn´t any organized help of that kind in the area that we live, and so far we are not likely to move because many other life circumstances.
Thank you for answering!! !