BeeBee wrote:
aspiesmom1 wrote:
He's the baby that made my endocrinologist say "you're what?" lol
That's a tough one to follow....
hmm...I love his sense of humor...his wicked word play.
I love how straightforward he is. Never a doubt what is on his mind.
I love how he can love his pets unconditionally.
I had to put that one in there. Because despite my being the queen of fertility, he was the baby they said would never happen. And by they I mean several specialists. Imagine their surprise when all was left to Mother Nature....
He has been the most confounding. The most amazing. The one who could surprise an old hand who thought she'd seen it all and heard it all.
What has surprised me the most is.. his empathy. My *most* empathetic child by far. And I have two girls!
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