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01 Mar 2010, 12:46 pm

I have mild to moderate symptoms which are more noticiable when there is cold and damp weather. This winter has been more challenging then most as there has been record snowfall and cold. I know the fatigue has been my most difficult symptom.

So my question is how do u cope with active children when you can barely keep yourself going?


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01 Mar 2010, 4:10 pm

I have been really really sick alot this year as well. It sucks. I sort of relaxed my rules about watching DVD's (they used to watch them only with a babysitter). My husband is also really good about taking over some of my chores. Doing lots of arts and crafts type activities is also pretty good as it can be less fatiguing and keeps the kids interest. Best wishes, feel better.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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02 Mar 2010, 7:02 pm

I feel so guilty when I can't manage to even get through the daily chores, much less have energy to play with my kid. You could try a menu of things for mommy's good days and another for the bad days. And I find that today's parents over-estimate how much they should be involved in their child's playtime. some kids can't entertain themselves at all because their parents seem to structure every hour for them with "active learning." Hello, kids learn alot from their own play.


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02 Mar 2010, 7:31 pm

I do try also not to allow her to watch too much tv, but I know this morning I didn't feel well and my husband has a terrible chest cold. I tried to rest and then the next thing I know I'd fallen asleep for a quite a bit. I think it makes it doubly hard when they're too young to understand mommy can't help a migraine or the overwhelming fatigue.

I am thankful to have family close by so even if my husband is traveling I have that support. They volunteered to watch my toddler for a bit tonite to help us both out.

Do you find the older children and adult members of your family fairly supportive or do they not understand when you are ill?