It could be both AS and OCD. I observe the same behavior with my 12-year-old son, but his is with rocks and stuffed animals; no "food empathy" fortunately.
I also did very similar things as a kid, and often still do with houses, cars, and even neglected headstones in a cemetary. As with many Aspies, there is a justifying or rationalizing thought process behind what we do...even if it doesn't make sense to NT's. Mine just simply boiled down to: "You just never really know if it's truly inanimate, so it's better to be safe than sorry." Of course, the Toy Story movies didn't help this at all!
I'd wager that his empathic behavior is primarily the AS, since many of us Aspies seem to have a small sampling of mulitple so-called disorders like OCD, ADHD, bipolar, etc. However, his urge (or need) to do things multiple times certainly seems to fall into the OCD realm. On the other hand, simply counting things may be AS and not be OCD. Counting things comes naturally to some Aspies.
Hope this helps. Best of luck!