Hearing how teachers give-up on students really makes me angry, and I've had personal experiences with it, and have seen it a lot.
Please, PLEASE do not give up on teaching your children a skill just because it seems difficult. I know that's not really the case here, but that is what can end up happening, especially since schools get paid to keep children in special programs and they will do it even if it's not needed. To people like us with sensory issues, everything is painful, so that's just one of the things we have to face, and we cant avoid everything.
When I was growing up, there were a lot of kids with special needs, and physically more unfortunate than I. One of the boys' hands and legs were each fused together; a girl's skin fused her fingers and toes, and she looked as if she was burned all the time-- both born that way. These people were taught how to write along with the rest of us, and they succeeded. They may have needed some modifications like special grips, but they did it.
My cousin is not bright at all, and I dont think there is much wrong with him other than circumstance, and yet the same school system has become lazy-- he refused to follow directions is his big problem. They wont teach him to write, and instead want him to type. I heard they are doing this with a lot of the children; of course his mother was angry. He can not even write his own name clearly!
When I hear stories that might follow the same path, I really feel like someone needs to get in the school and teachers faces about it. They need to do their job, and if they can not, then hire new teachers.