Unfortunately it's been my experience that people are still going to blame you, the parents, for your childs behavior and dx.
My own mother, lovely woman that she is (hang on while I grab my tongue out of my cheek) asked me the other night what makes us think our son has this, since she never saw any indication of it. She's also not seen our child nor talked to him one time since 1998 (he's only 11 now), and she was the one banging pots next to his head when he was two yelling at me that my baby was deaf. (I said he'd learned to shut her out, as I had. Had only I'd known how true that was!!).
But that piece of paper will allow you to access services at school, and possibly in your city or county, depending on where you live. Depending on other factors, your child could even qualify for SSI payments, which can help pay for therapy and other things your child may need.
Good luck!
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The new golden rule in our household!
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