I took my grandma to hospital today and my autistic son came with me. We were sitting in the waiting room and all bored. I spotted a Reader's Digest magazine. "Ooh, look! These usually have jokes inside." We read the first joke, my son said "I don't get it." "That's OK hon, I don't get it either." Then we read another one. "Hmm, why is that funny?" Next one was equally bad. Eventually he said "What a load of bad jokes!" and put the book away. I think that would count as a classic autistic mom-son moment there.
Then we went pacing in the hallway to look at all the paintings on the wall. Apparently some of them are for sale. I didn't know his thoughts on them until I heard him telling DH later. "... a big blob of mixed gold and blue paint smeared all over the picture, doesn't look like anything, and it was $400!" I guess he doesn't get abstract art either.