Connor's Big Pirate Adventure
by RS Davis
The Freedom Files
...Blackbeard threatened to burn Boston to the ground if they executed the men, and was only thwarted in his attempt by the last minute arrival of a British warship. Instead, he took his rage out on the ships of New England, not capturing them but viciously attacking them and letting them burn at sea.
Soon, the Golden Age of Piracy would come to an end.
I know all of this because of my six-year old son, Connor. He has Asperger's Syndrome, a form of Autism marked by impaired social and physical development, as well as very narrow and intense interests. One of those interests, since he was two-years old, has been pirates, particulary Black Sam Bellamy and The Whydah. He loves them, and therefore has given me an almost master's degree level education on them.... ... nture.html