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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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19 May 2010, 9:04 am

When my son was about 3 he got a hold of markers and wrote all over the walls. Well noramal kid stuff right? Wrong. later that night I took him to the bathroom before bed. He told me he didn't have to go. I told him to try. He looked up at me and told me he didn't do it. I asked him what he didn't do. He then pulled his pants down and I noticed he had colored his winky and his butt cheeks. I asked him if he didn't do it then who did he told me it was the winky fairy. I about died laughing.


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19 May 2010, 10:15 am

lol! those are the times you wish you were recording everything.

when my middle son was 5, he colored all over the walls of his bedroom and got in big trouble. the next day, he did it again on the hallway walls. he tried really hard to blame it on his 3 yr old brother who could barely hold a marker, but i didnt fall for it. after all, he had written his name in 6 inch letters on the wall!

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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19 May 2010, 11:18 am

Because my daughter seems to have such a marker/crayon/pen fetish, I clicked on this right away. Made me laugh. :)

My walls are constantly being marked up. It's a constant bone of contention between us, her seeming inability to resist marking on things that shouldn't be marked on. I try to put all writing instruments away so they'll be out of sight and out of mind, but invariably there will be a few lying around somewhere and, before I know it, there's another telltale sign that my daughter was there. Gah!


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19 May 2010, 11:43 am

My parents were planning on painting the walls, so my mom gave us some markers and invited us to have at it and draw all over the walls before they were painted....unawares that the marker would end up bleeding through all the coats of paint that they tried to put over it...I was maybe 7 and my sister was 3 at the time...


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19 May 2010, 11:48 am

We have to keep the markers put away because my 5 year old daughter loves to color on herself. She likes to draw but I have to watch her and keep reminding her to use the paper. I dont mind the kid markers as much as ink pens. At least the markers come off pretty easy but ink pen you have to scrub and shes not really into that LOL!. Nothing is as bad as a older son left one out from his work about a year and half ago and she got that and drew all over my wall behind my bed. I started to wash it off with a magic eraser but she got I just left it. Now that she talks more she tells me it is her if I would have washed it off I never would have known that :P


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19 May 2010, 11:54 am

Beware of the green crayons. When ingested they do very interesting things in diapers. I don't know why it was always the green ones that my kids ate. We used cloth diapers as well so the color lingered. It scared me silly the first time I saw it. I thought he was dying of some horrible disease. Then I realized there was a mild waxy smell....


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19 May 2010, 11:59 am

We always let my son color on himself. They're non-toxic markers, so I figured, it's his body. The rule was he couldn't mark anyone else without asking.

Just ran across this, btw:

Sharing the spectrum with my awesome daughter.


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19 May 2010, 12:08 pm

Shaving cream is great for that kind of sensory input as well. Barbasol is inexpensive and does not smell "manly". Also you can get your floors clean at the same time :P !


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19 May 2010, 2:11 pm

I never thought of that as stimming. My youngest son, who's now had his dx of PDD-NOS revoked, used to do that obsessively. If he were anywhere near a marker of any kind he'd be covered in all kinds of designs. He was pretty good about not coloring on other stuff, just himself, and sometimes his clothes. He's only really stopped doing it since he was 8 or so.


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19 May 2010, 2:58 pm

The hyperkinetic 3-year old I used to nanny had a favorite outfit that was blue tempra paint.


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19 May 2010, 4:11 pm

willaful wrote:
We always let my son color on himself. They're non-toxic markers, so I figured, it's his body. The rule was he couldn't mark anyone else without asking.

Just ran across this, btw:

I get a huge kick out of that site! My guys were so destructive as toddlers/preschoolers. When left alone for a few minutes they could completely tear a room apart. And yes, they did the permanent markers on the wall, furniture and themselves thing more than once, and when we got smart enough to lock up the markers, they did their entire playroom in crayons (every surface -toy, shelf, wall, floor got the treatment). :lol:


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19 May 2010, 4:13 pm

apishko wrote:
When my son was about 3 he got a hold of markers and wrote all over the walls. Well noramal kid stuff right? Wrong. later that night I took him to the bathroom before bed. He told me he didn't have to go. I told him to try. He looked up at me and told me he didn't do it. I asked him what he didn't do. He then pulled his pants down and I noticed he had colored his winky and his butt cheeks. I asked him if he didn't do it then who did he told me it was the winky fairy. I about died laughing.

"...the winky fairy" Hilarious! And quite creative too. :)


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19 May 2010, 9:17 pm

I remember when my son was almost 3 and he marked on the wall---I was so proud of him because when I first introduced crayons to him, he did not even want to hold them. So when I saw that he had marked on the wall, I just left it there for awhile!


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21 May 2010, 12:09 am

I remember I used to draw all over the walls with chapstick.

I'm not weird, you're just too normal.