i dont think you can really equate not letting other people watch your kids with being overprotective. there are simply some parents, like me and my SO, that believe children should be raised by their parents. we made a conscious choice years ago to live on the lower end of the income scale to allow one of us to always be home with the kids. not everyone can or is willing to do that, but we thought it was one of the most important things we could do while they were young. we generally take our children with us if we go places. rarely they are watched by other family members, such as an aunt or grandma (when we lived near her). i can literally count on one finger the number of times they have been watched in the past ten years by someone who wasnt a close family member. if we choose to socialize, we do so at family friendly places/events. that doesnt make us overprotective, it makes us parents.
our oldest is now watching his younger brothers on occasion, which allows us to go out by ourselves once in a while. but its for things such as grocery shopping, not for social events. he likes the responsibility, his brothers like being home without their parents, and we enjoy some walmart time without the two little guys wreaking havoc. im sure walmart and the other shoppers appreciate it too =)