Just to clarify, not all the kids are on the spectrum. They recieve services for a variety of problems. Many of the kids have co-morbids, and in the interest of being as discreet as possible I'll not list which co-morbids go with what. There are several items on the list which go with more than one kid.
Here's what we've got, just in our one neighborhood playground.
Significant speech delay
Multiple food allergies
Gluten intolerance
Gross motor impairment
Fine motor impairment
Severe visual impairment
Proprioceptive disorder
Sensory issues
Anger management issues
Anxiety issues
Possible areas of concern, given location include
1) We are near the depot where subway cars are cleaned
2) There are lots of cell phone towers in the 'hood, including directly across the street from the playground.
3) There is a lanfill nearby which, in former times, was a chemical storage facility. Just to make you sick there are 3 very large schools built on top of this landfill.
4) We are near 2 major highways.
5) We are directly under the flightpath for planes at a major airport. The planes are high up except during fog.
6) Lots of old bldgs. (possible lead paint issues).
7) Lots of construction projects going on. But most of these are on hold right now, due to poor economy.
I don't think it has anything to do with the parents, there are parents here from all walks of life. Most people are middle class with a degree or two.
I don't really want to give details as to where we live, just 'cause there may be people from around here on the board. Other than me the locals tend to be fiercly loyal to the 'hood. Everyone just seems to accept that calling CPSE and spending half your life on the phone arranging for services or nagging insurance to pay for services is par for the course in modern parenting.
Both myself and my husband have started getting migraine headaches and chronic fatigue since living here. My poor husband looks like he aged 15 years over the past 5 of living here.
I don't really want to call the CDC, I just want to get out of here ASAP. I may just be paranoid, but it does keep me up some nights.