DW_a_mom wrote:
Way back when some of our moms with AS were talking about school functions, and the stress of them, one mentioned how she learned to go with a camera in hand. How the job of being the photographer helped her deal with it all, and gave her a defined way to interact. As I read your post, I thought about discussion, and how doing something similar might help your daughter.
My son is similar, in being very drawn to social situations, but having trouble with the actual situation. Defining a role beforehand definitely helps him. Whether it be the map guy at a theme park, the photographer at a parade, or the equipment guy on a camp out, it is the knowing what his place is that seems to make a big difference. Wandering around and trying to figure out how to enjoy themselves is really really difficult for our kids. But walking in with a job to do - that works.
I couldn't agree more. I attend a church and there is no way I could go unless I played guitar in the band and help to setup and pack up. It gives me an excuse to be doing something (and something I love by the way) and not have to interact. When I was younger I would never go to a party or a club unless there was a band playing and I was in that band.
Your daughter seems like a very industrious person and having something to do will give her a great sense of accomplishment and pride. I can only seeing it helping her.