Hi everyone, first post, good news: My son's been diagnosed with Aspergers. I'm so grateful for these forums, especially the "You might be an Aspie if..." thread, since that's when we finally nailed the diagnosis for ourselves. It took a couple more months and a lot of pushing for an official diagnosis.
It's all good! And I can see now how incredibly hard I've been working all these years.
Interesting thing on reading the parents' forum is that I might have strong Aspie traits myself, and without some major life experiences (probably a subject for some writing once I've got more of an idea what's actually happened, it could provide inspiration!) I probably wouldn't have come out of myself as much as I have. I'm now considered a social butterfly and don't have problems interacting with anyone, to the point of having made a career out of creating connections. There are still bits of me that are very happy with my own company. We're definitely preferring our company to being social as a family.
My son and I have been on our own pretty much for ever, his dad also has strong Aspie tendencies, but fortunately I've been able to raise J in a quite relaxed way and have been addressing all the things we needed to look at, so he's doing pretty well. Things are finally coming together with the diagnosis and I'm so thrilled.
Just thought I'd share
Are there any local boards? Might be nice to meet up with fellow London based people on here?
Go for it.