The Vaccination-Autism Connection
by RS Davis
The Freedom Files
Hello Freedomphiles! Before my son, Connor, was born, my wife and I had dinner with some friends. They were those kind of libertarians that totally walk the walk. They were the kind that did everything they could to live "off the grid," who would have notes sent home from school because their kids criticized Abraham Lincoln. To be sure, they were some cool people. They embodied that whole anti-establishment blaze your own trail sort of ethos that I totally dig. In short, they were so punk rock.
After dinner, we sat drinking coffee while the kids played, and the subject turned to the safety of childhood vaccinations. You see, their boys, who were probably around five and eight at the time, had never had any vaccinations. They explained that there was a mountain of evidence that childhood vaccinations caused a whole host of medical issues for kids, including Autism.
Now, if there's one thing to know about me, its that I am a very skeptical person. I don't receive information uncritically. I am as likely to debunk an argument that supports my position as I am one that refutes it. My allegiance is to objective truth, and bad information is bad information, regardless of whether it might help me in the short-term.
At the time, though, I was a pretty young libertarian, and these people were like rock stars to me. I admit that I accepted their words as truth, without question or critical analysis. I didn't hit the internet. I didn't check the library. I just filed that little tidbit away, and when it was time for Connor to get vaccinated, we stalled. We figured, hey, if these kids at age two get Autism right after the MMR (Measles-Mumps-Rubella) vaccine, we'd just wait it out, let his body develop more before hitting it with all these chemicals.
Imagine our surprise when Connor began showing signs of Autism before he had even begun his vaccination schedule.
The origin of the idea that the MMR vaccine causes Autism is a Canadian gastroenterologist named Andrew Wakefield, who studied twelve kids with Autism and published his results in 1998...
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