For it being summer vacation, and us spending the first 3 weeks of it visiting family, Kyle has been doing exceptionally well, he only had 2 tantrums in the 3 weeks we were gone, and he was easily redirected with his DS. We've been home 3 days, and it's been 3 days of tantrums, he's actually in the ER with his dad right now, because when he decided that he was going to "run away" earlier, he climbed on his little sister's tricycle to get to the chain on the door and fell and hurt himself. I don't think it's a very serious injury, but he was saying that his heart hurt, which means that he did some kind of damage to his chest, and we don't take any chances, I'm fairly certain it's just some bad bruising.
As for homeschooling resources, we live on a military base and don't have many options for help in that area, and I don't know that he would do very well with it, he needs the structure that the school has to offer. I'm not very good at keeping things structured, so he spends a lot of his time at home worried about what we're doing every minute of the day. During summer break, we spend a lot of time swimming and playing at the playground, as well as letting him play his video games, so that he feels that there is some structure to his days, but he completely dictates the schedule, he just has to know what we are doing every day, so that he can plan how the day will go. He's only 6 years old, and I used to worry about this trait, but I've learned to love it, because as disorganized and unstructured as I am, he helps me stay organized and structured.