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01 Jul 2010, 5:18 pm

Since we are moving I am giving away lots of stuff.
I do not promote any of the advice given in any of these books. We bought them in the "research" phase of figuring out what was up with our daughter. At this point the books are of no use to us. If anyone else is in the "research" phase and is interested in these books please DM me and I will gladly mail them to you free of charge.

Leaky Gut Syndrome, Elizabeth Lipski MS CCN - Good Health Guides (small pamphlet style book)
The ADD and ADHD Diet, Rachel Bell and Dr. Howard Peiper a short overview of Feingold as very detailed advice on creating food logs. Some recipes (as we cook from scratch anyway we never tried them.
Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon - This is the Weston Price cook book. It is very strange. Google Weston Price Foundation for info.
Nourishing Hope for Autism - Julie Mathews (she has her own website if you want to check her out

Again, I am not trying to promote these diets. Obviously, we are giving away the books because we do not use them. I can totally understand if anyone is interested in reading/researching them either for academic enrichment (to know what is out there) or because they believe diet may be effective in their own situation. There is just something in me that can't fathom throwing books in the garbage.

I am not an expert on anything. Any advice given is with the best of intentions; a small way for me to repay a community that helps me when I need it.


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01 Jul 2010, 7:10 pm

sent you a pm on the ADHD diet book.


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01 Jul 2010, 8:03 pm

I'd love to take the first and fourth.


Send you some shipping $?


"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home." -Basho


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Joined: 30 Oct 2009
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01 Jul 2010, 8:06 pm

The ADD Book, The Nourishing Hope Book, and the Leaky Gut pamphlet are now all spoken for. The only one left is the Sally Fallon Cookbook.

I am not an expert on anything. Any advice given is with the best of intentions; a small way for me to repay a community that helps me when I need it.