IEP suggestions, preparations
I am preparing for our first IEP meeting. I already sent the school the neuropsych report. I have prepared an Excel sheet with the column titles: Issues/Behaviors, Suspected Cause, Accomodation, Therapy, Management/Response, Goal.
If anyone is willing to review it and provide feedback, please PM me w/ your email address.
I have never dealt w/ his school on IEP, but I have on other issues. They are non-committal and I get the professional A-hole response from the principal. In short, I have not been happy at all with how they handle things when issues come up. They claim to be accomodating but do not follow through and are not willing to make what I consider to be reasonable accomodations. They back their staff at every chance, even when they are dead wrong.
I need to go into the meeting fully prepared for whatever happens. I have heard about some very difficult IEP meetings and I don't want to be blind-sided or accept any BS because they claim to be professionals.
Any suggestions, preparation notes, anything would be helpful, thanks.