Mama_to_Grace wrote:
I feel that way most of the time but when a two hour meltdown occurs over something simple (last night it was because she couldn't watch the end of a show she's seen many, many times) I realize my daughter has some real limitations. I don't feel her only issues are society's expectations. She has low frustration tolerence, rigidity, and social anxiety, among other things such as sensory differentials, etc. While I think people with AS can have extreme skills, they also can have some extreme limitations that will need to be recognized. However, it is a huge spectrum and I can see how you would feel this way when looking at those who can function well on a daily basis.
I have to agree with this. I totally agree that my son has many wonderful strengths, but there's no question he has many challenges that cause his daily functioning to be impaired. He would not be just fine if the world left him alone. Admittedly he is still a child, but he's not capable of taking care of himself at the level of NT children his age. From what I've read and observed, I expect him to need care from his family quite a while past the time an NT child usually would. ( I'm totally okay with that, though worried about whether his father and I will be around to give it and what will happen if we aren't.)
I don't like the word disability, but I do think he undeniably has a handicap -- I usually stick to the term "special needs" because it sums it up very well.
Of course it's different for every person on the spectrum.
Sharing the spectrum with my awesome daughter.