We took him to a cafe in an open area of a noisy and busy mall. He sat there and had half a muffin, we were probably there 20 minutes. He started to get a little anxious, so we left.
This evening we went to my Mums for her birthday, we were there from 5-10PM. There were about 60 people there mostly people unknown to him, socialising, talking, playing musical instruments, singing etc. He was pretty calm the whole time. I watched him sometimes looking at people and watching their eyes. He did get the opportunity to get away from the crowds and outside and also inside and play with Lego. We had expected to be having to leave by 7pm with a flailing little person.
I must say he was very happy to be leaving, and he did initiate it (his only communication method is to take my hand and lead me) but I think its good going for a NV little Autie and I was so very proud of him.