I’m the Aspie father of four kids, all little, all NT. One of my kids is a Sowell Slow Talking Child, but otherwise a typical roly poly child.
I dated a lot as a teen. I’m a little atypical for an Aspie in that while I’m socially uncomfortable, just because something bothers me is no reason to let that get in the way of what I want. So when I figured out I liked girls, I decided to learn about them, and eventually date a few. Or a lot, as the case may be.
Most of my dating was a search to find somebody who could understand me, somebody who got it. Fortunately, most young girls are not manipulative spider weavers, looking for prey to play with. They are almost as confused as I was at that age. My parents were separated and emotionally distant from me – which was fine. But I had nobody to give me advice about how to treat other people or observe how to act in a relationship. So I fell into a pattern of serial-monogamy, where I would date a girl until she dumped me, but then immediately take up with one of my “back-ups”. I was a little wild and crazy as a teen, because I over compensated for my shyness by taking on outlandish persona’s. Teenage girls really dig a fearless guy in a denim jacket and a mullet and “Electric Funeral” blaring from his tricked out Pontiac, but can also quote Poe’s The Raven, word for word. Well, maybe not all teenage girls. Ok, maybe just a few teenage girls, and not high quality ones at that. And maybe times have changed…
So it really depends on your son. I was an intellectually gifted Aspie who used my intelligence, years or obsessive puzzle-solving and coupled with a lack of maturity, to over come my short comings like saying the wrong thing or being emotionally distant. I would treat girlfriends like a project, I’d personally fall hard and fast, obsessing on her, figuring her out, what did she like, who was she, how did she think, did she “get it” – or understand me in any way. Girls were a puzzle box, somebody new who I could analyze. Some would dump me fast because of my “too fast” clingyiness. I really didn’t care though, if she wasn’t into me, so what – there’s 3 billion other women on Earth AND now I could play that rebound card with her friends. It’s not manipulation if you do it instinctively, right? But emotionally broken girls, mostly with weak father figures or other issues, liked having the attention of a 6’3”, very smart boy who asked questions about THEM, as I was not just interested in one thing. As the saying goes.
I’m glad I grew out of all of that! I finally found a woman at college who did get it. She’s smarter than me and from a family full of literal minded, pragmatic engineers. Not saying they are Aspies, but smart math people are cousins to the Aspie world. The get some of it, enough for me at least. Twenty years later, we’re the “nerd friends” to a few other parents of the children our kids run around with. So life is never, ever normal for Aspies. But you can have relationships. Keep an eyeball on the depression with your son, having relationships means having emotions he’s not familiar with. Other than that, if a person can put up with an Aspie, well, that was good enough for me.