Oh, he wanted to try it! He likes being independent.
buryuntime wrote:
I first walked across streets at around 15 years of age. It requires a lot of being able shift your attention and being able to read intentions. I was rather clueless of people waiting to let me walk past. I would also walk looking down or up, and would get lost in thoughts while walking, which is obviously problematic. And it made me more anxious. Otherwise I liked walking.
Yes, that's what I realized today. I thought that as long as he used the crosswalk, it would be okay, but I didn't realize the subtleties of it. Oh well, no harm done. Now we know it's something he needs to learn.
We've been letting him play outside for awhile, so he does have some experience with traffic, but that involves staying out of the way of cars rather than reading the drivers, so it really is a different skill set.
Sharing the spectrum with my awesome daughter.