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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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07 Sep 2010, 4:27 pm

The first of many questions I'm sure as my wife and I are two weeks into realising our son may have AS (yet to be officially diagnosed)!

How do we get our son Finlay to realise that not only is he sensitive to noise but we (the rest of the family) are to?

He's very sensitive when our little girl (18 months) decides it's time for a scream and shout, but she is generally copying him.

How do we make him understand that if he is loud then she will be as well, which sends him off on a meltdown, usually ending in one or both upset (and us too!)?

Any tips most gratefully received :D


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07 Sep 2010, 5:04 pm

often AS people are unable to realize or regulate volume, pitch, tone, inflection etc.

next time he is innapropriately loud, ask him if he knows he's being loud.

buy your son some earplugs and show him how to use them, and where to keep them. He ought to appreciate them, and the fact that he has a prepared solution set up for the next time he's over-burdened by her screams should help avoid a meltdown altogether.

If it doesn't head for the earplugs, consider it might be a tantrum not a meltdown.
Consider it might also be the earplugs are uncomfortable.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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01 Nov 2010, 10:19 pm

We use headphones and have also video taped him to show him how noise causes more to happen around him. We have birds, exotic. They can be loud when startled. When he screams they scream louder. It's a hard situation and I hope you have yours under control.