lieing/stealing/touching behaviors.

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04 Oct 2010, 6:27 pm

While I don't believe the 10 year old sister is on the spectrum I did want to ask about her behaviors which have got increasingly worst lately.

1) Lieing saying she didn't do X when she did.

2) Stealing (It was a simple Pog from my collection I was showing her so a Pog no big deal but today it's a pog tomorrow it's money or something from Walmart which = JAIL time BIG TROUBLE! (Also lieing she didn't take/do it/anything.

3) Touching (I left my room for not even 5 minutes and return and ask the 8 year old "What's that smell?" The 10 year old sprayed some of my old perfume. I told mom and of course she got in trouble but it's sad you can't leave her alone for 5 minutes without her touching messing with something. I expect it from a 3 year old! (my nephew is 3) but a 10 year old.

I'm not sure why she lies,steals,touches, stuff. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks. WP.


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04 Oct 2010, 6:46 pm

It sounds like typical 10 year old behaviour to me.

Blue Jay
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04 Oct 2010, 7:09 pm

I think I agree with the first response. She's learning and she's curious. Try to stop seeing it as a 'bad kid' and more as a "let's talk about this" and really talk about it and discuss it, not fight about it. If kids understand why, they will more likely choose a better behavior next time.


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04 Oct 2010, 9:53 pm

Hello. I participated in similar behaviors when I was a youngling.....I stole..never from people, except the time I grew attached to a friend's teddy bear and hid it..but it was found...
I was frequently accused of stealing from people though..when i didn't
I was bit of a clepto and would steal stuff as a form of self-comforting..

I also told stories, because a buncha junk tended to jumble up in my head and I didn;t know what to do with it,,,had no automatic social skills yeah....


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05 Oct 2010, 12:15 am

Honestly I don't know why children do this. The neighbor girl nextdoor stole quite a few things from us once, which her sister was able to retrieve.

That doesn't compare to the neighbor boy though, who came in when we were gone, stole one of my CD's, food from the kitchen, and ordered $50 worth of porn on pay-per-view.

And after he got caught, and got in trouble, he switched steeling food for trading food. When we left the house there would be hot pockets in the freezer, and when we returned they had been replaced with french toast.

And people think we are weird?


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05 Oct 2010, 3:46 pm

Sounds rather normal for a ten year old. Perhaps explain to the child why what they're doing is incorrect.

Chronos wrote:
When we left the house there would be hot pockets in the freezer, and when we returned they had been replaced with french toast.

Sorry for laughing at that bit, I know it wouldn't be funny for you but the thought of some kid sneaking through a house for the purposes of replacing food is slightly amusing. And also disturbing. You should use better locks.

Emu Egg
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10 Oct 2010, 11:14 am

I have been having the exact same problem with my aspie 12 yr old girl. She has don this since she was four and I dont knoe what to do. I dont think its typical behaviour.Ive tried all sorts of counselling. positive parenting and she still swears the she sky was green wheen my back was turned for a second. If you have found any solutions I would love the help. I have also tried grounding loss of pocket money and loss of personel possesions. Metal


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11 Oct 2010, 12:35 am

A story that might help:

When me and my sister were young (about that age) we stole some shiny things from the house of some people we were visiting.
My mom caught us, and talked with us, and forced us to WALK back to that person's house, ring the bell, appologize and return the items. It was a half hour walk there and a half hour back.
I assume she called to let them know we were coming back.
It shamed us. We never stole again - at least, not for a long time.
It's 24 years later, and I still remember the event.