Tracker wrote:
Do you mean electromagnetic fields?
Those dont affect people in any meaningful ways unless you start getting into the millions of guass. And at that point the nails in your framing would rip out before you would experience any noticeable effects. Humans really aren't affected by EMF, especially the weak ones generated by TVs, computers, or other typical sources in the home. The idea that EMF is harmful to you is just an urban legend, similar to the 'cell phones destroy your brain' rumor.
Ah, but Tracker, they are re-thinking the cell phone thing, aren't they?
There is no proof of harm from EMF's, I know that, but who knows what goes on with any one unique individual? If a family wants to limit their exposure, I think it falls in the "can't hurt" category. Well, as long as they don't have a child that needs to sit in front of his computer to self-calm, as some AS kids do.
What sprung to my mind reading the first post was that the constant noise (that some AS hear but few NT's do) and lights from having so much stuff plugged in all the time (as so many of us do) is probably the bigger issue with our sensory sensitive AS kids than the EMF's. But, same conclusion, right? UNPLUG.
My husband had our house tested for some emission coming up from the ground ... radiation? I swear, I must be going senile, I can never remember ANYTHING anymore. Anyway, he got very worried after his sister got cancer because they had actually grown up in an area known for it's high emissions. Who knows what is connected to what, really ... In the end, I think we all follow common sense: limit exposure to as much non-natural occurrences as possible. Watch for the chemicals in your cleaners, in your clothes (fire retardants), etc. But, keep it all in balance, because some chemicals and modern introductions have definitely saved us from other things.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).