my son is 4 and has classic autism. my so and i were talking this past week about when we will discuss his diagnosis with him, and its probably going to be in about 2-3 years, if things continue progressing as they are now. he is very intelligent and at 4 he is already starting to notice differences between himself and others. right now its the fact that he cant write his name and other kids can, and hes already acknowledged to us that school is scary for him mainly because people try to talk to him. he goes to OT and ST outside of class. right now we simply use the "some people cant write when they are 4" or "some people need help learning how to make all their sounds". as the gulf widens between what he can do and what his classmates can - academically, physically, and socially - i dont anticipate those reasons are going to be explanatory enough.
chronological age has little to do with it. it should happen when your child has the intellectual ability to understand and/or when they've started to notice their differences. it should happen BEFORE they or others have labeled them for those differences. a child WILL label themselves, they will wonder "whats wrong with me?" if they dont already have an answer for those differences.
i think for a lot of asd kids, that time is long before 13. most 13 yr olds dont share with their parents all that they are feeling, so its rather hard to get a gauge on what they are feeling and thinking about themselves. certainly if they spend school time in therapies, the resourse room, or with aides, they and the other kids have already noticed that there is some difference. better that it has a real name, otherwise kids will come up with their own.
Neurotypically confused.
partner to: D - 40 yrs med dx classic autism
mother to 3 sons:
K - 6 yrs med/school dx classic autism
C - 8 yrs NT
N - 15 yrs school dx AS