Having just been on youtube, I thought it would be nice to have a specific thread in the parent forum to post vids of our kids. I really like seeing vids of other kids with Autism - especially doing stuff (Most of the vids on youtube have soppy music, slow pans on still images and titles telling the usual..)
Anyway to start off me and James went out sunday and ignored the weather, first we went to the schoolground (sorry for crappy cellphone quality must get a better one).
Then to the park
Then duh nah nah, while wrestling with the controls of his speeding balance bike a perilous muddy patch took out his front wheel, James corrected with all the fine-honed skills developed hooning around the lounge and the preschool, but it was all to naught and a might crash resulted
He was fine, few more whimpers and he was back in the saddle