my kid was having a lot of issues with school, so they did some testing over the last couple months and came to the conclusion that it is highly likely that he has Asperger's, and are going to write him up a 504 plan. (It would have already been written up by now, but we had snow days and school was closed the days when we were suppose to all meet up for that, and now we are on winter break.)
but I read that weighted toys help calm their systems, and extremely sensory seeking for that deep pressure, so I made him weighted dolls sometime back. but he's sort of "whatever" about dolls. and penguins have been one of his intense interests since watching Mumble. So I finally got around to making him some penguins, and I weighted them. He's deeply in love. I started an Etsy shop to sell them, i have several made. well, he is having the time of his life playing with all of "his" penguins, toting them around, making them all have conversations with other.
I'd love to make a penguin or some other weighted toy for your kid too. here's my etsy shop.