trouble figuring out what is wrong with me

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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24 Dec 2010, 1:09 am

Alright, so...I have come to this forum seeking help. For the first time in my life I am curious to why I have these strange tendencies. Im not sure what all information is useful so ill sum it up as quickly as possible. I am a 20 year old match/computer science/ physics major. Since I was little I always had a few really strange things I did that I thought I would outgrow, yet to this day I still do them. For one, I play with hair. Since I was a baby my mom told me that I twirled hair and I still do, my moms, my girlfriends....any girl I am comfortable with. Also, the strangest thing I have done and still do...I pace when no one is around and cuff my hands and kinda take off in my own fantasy world. Usually it consists of where I hope to be in the near future. I only do it when no one is around...sometimes for hours...but I've done it every day since I can remember. The weirdest part is...I never thought it could be autism because I have no social problems whatsoever. I have a job and a girlfriend and go to school full time and can hold any time of conversation. I give speaches in class in front of 100s of students before. I am however somewhat introverted....not outgoing at all really....thoughts?

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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24 Dec 2010, 2:05 am

I cuff my hands and take off into my own fantasy world for hours at a time. Interesting. You may have some of the ASD characteristics, but that doesn't mean you have autism. Or, perhaps you do and you've learned how to socialize. It's a possibility.

Please visit my website
I have a daily blog that discusses my experiences on the autism spectrum, and a daily YouTube series to compliment it. Please check them out. I also have a podcast that is updated weekly including an Al

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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24 Dec 2010, 2:05 am

I cuff my hands and take off into my own fantasy world for hours at a time. Interesting. You may have some of the ASD characteristics, but that doesn't mean you have autism. Or, perhaps you do and you've learned how to socialize. It's a possibility.

Please visit my website
I have a daily blog that discusses my experiences on the autism spectrum, and a daily YouTube series to compliment it. Please check them out. I also have a podcast that is updated weekly including an Al

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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24 Dec 2010, 9:56 am

Well, ive actually always been able to socialize, I just choose not to usually. I've normally hung out in the 'cool' groups w a decent amt of friends...they havnt a clue what I do when im alone tho, or how I really am

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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24 Dec 2010, 9:58 am

For instance, im actually very athletic n have been labled even as a jock before in high school...


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24 Dec 2010, 1:47 pm

I pace and wring my hands and I consider myself to be NT. I give speeches in my head (and sometimes out loud) about what I am currently pondering/perplexed about. This can go on for a fair amount of time.

Everyone has "strange" tendencies I think. The difference is that you are self analyzing and I think a lot of people don't do that. They just do their "strange" things in private and don't contemplate them or bring them out into the open.

I don't think anything is "wrong" with you :) Self analysis is a healthy thing as long as you don't get stuck on all that is "wrong" with you and embrace your true self. Being your true self in private is something everyone does I think.