donkey wrote:
there is a 90 % chance of autistm being inherited along male if you have it, it is highly likely any sons you have will have it.
Where did you get this statistic from?
I know it's more common in males [so studies on females would be more difficult] but it's probable the autism and asperger traits in my own family were inherited from our mother side.. my father however is not an aspie [probably has ADD if there is such a thing].
no...just autistic.
autiusitc can fall by the weyside and fail in life, but we can also be so muchbetter than nt's becaue of our autism, it is nt A HANDICAPP.
I have a brother who is a non verbal, illiterate adult autistic.. he is at the very end of the spectrum and is the most severe I have seen. He will always be dependent on other people so is indeed handicapped by autism.