I actually just designed a card to carry in my wallet saying that i have asperger's and giving some info about it,and how to hand me in emergency situations. I can't figure out how to post it, so i'll just tell you what it looks like:
It has 4 rectangles, but the two on the left only take up about 1/4 or 1/3 of the width of the card (it's the size of a business card), and the top squares are shorter.
In the top left is the medical alert symbol, and in the top right are the words, Asperger's Syndrome, written with the colors of the autism ribbon (one for each letter), underwhich it says, An Autism Spectrum Disorder in black.
In the bottom right rectangle (the largest one), it gives some info:
Autistic Tendencies:
-May Avoid Eye Contact
-Unusual Behavior
-Heightened Senses- May be especially frightened
by loud noise, touch, etc.
-May Have Meltdowns in Fearful Situations
-Has Trouble With Social Situations
Do's and Don'ts:
-Do not attack/grab
-Do not yell
-Do stay calm
-Do give me space to recover from meltdown
In the bottom left rectangle I have the autism awareness ribbon underwhich it says:
I'm not trying
to get
attention, I
have autism.
And each line of the sentence is a different one of the colors on the ribbon, while the word "autism" has a different color for every letter.
Sorry, that may be confusing, but i tried! It looks really nice! Good luck to you all!