I had this experience to an extent when my mom grew her hair out. All of my life, her hair was short and well cut...kinda like a curly red hale berry cut, but then she got a bug up her _____ and decided to grow her hair out and dye it redish brown. Quite frankly, she looked like a wild woman with all that crazy curly hair going everywhere. It was very disturbing to me...sometimes still is. I wish she would just cut it off like she used to have it. So I really understand. I remember mom wanted me to have my hair permed when I was 8 years old (wtf!! !) I only dyed my hair twice in my life...once blueish green and years later, pink bangs. Both times did not last long as the upkeep was too much work and my hair grows sooo fast that I had roots in two weeks and the pink faded to orange after 3 washes.
But look on the bright side...at least she does not want to get a nose piercing or brow piercing, or a (gasp) tatoo.
All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
-James Baldwin