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16 May 2011, 7:28 pm

So I'm adding a new colour to our list of "personalities". The Yellow zone: poking, touching, barking, crowing, boundary testing, oppositional in a silly manner. My son came out of the Black zone and straight into the Yellow zone. Black zone: agression, swearing, melt-downs, oppositional in an angry fashion, troubles with transition, etc

He does go through Green zones as well where he's just a happy kid with little behaviour. He's more likely to cry when he's in the Green zone.

Today he came home crying because a boy in his class pushed him. He fell and hit his head on the pavement. I called the family, parents weren't home. Spoke with his 18 year old brother and the boy himself. He said my son kept poking him and another boy. The badmington coach (after school activity) spoke with my son about it. He didn't stop. He's very hands on with me too. Asking for extra hugs in which he won't let go. Sensory? Anyway, after the club, the boy was playing hockey with a buddy. It was said my son grabbed his backpack and the boy retaliated. He sounded really frustrated with my son and was crying to his brother when he asked him what happened. I left a note with his teacher to deal with it tomorrow but I'm not sure what to say about this. I explained to the boy that next time, he's to talk with an adult about it (again) instead of using his hands. I also told him I was going to let their teacher be involved tomorrow .. but I can understand his frustration too. The Yellow zone can be frustrating. It comes and goes like the Black zone and Green. (sigh)

Any suggestions?


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17 May 2011, 4:09 pm

I'm sorry but the first thing that came to me was. Why are you talking to and telling another persons child what they can and can not do? You crossed a line in my opinion.

On to the issue, my 12 year old is a sensory seeker completely inappropriate. He also has ADHD and OCD he feels like "he has to touch". We are working on him asking first but this is a work in progress, we have had small gains only and it's been going on for a long time. What has and can help is stuffing his pockets with various sensory tools, ie squishy balls, play doh, furry material etc etc. You may want to consult an OT.

Mum of 2 fantastic boys. oldest 21 yrs= newly dx'ed ASD
youngest 12yrs =dx'ed ASD, ADHD,OCD,GAD and tourettes.


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17 May 2011, 6:33 pm

Ya, you're probably right. He's a friend of my son's and since I work in a school myself, I often become the mediator between children. I guess I wasn't thinking. His 18 yr old brother did say I could talk with him and my son was quite upset. I wanted to know how I could help him through the situation.

His teacher spoke with the boys and I guess my son was just wanting this boy's attention and went about it the wrong way. They both apologized.


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17 May 2011, 10:02 pm

Sorry I snapped at you, in all honesty I may have done exactly the same thing. It's easy for others to sit miles away on the other side of a screen and preach what is right and what not, but when the shoe is on the other foot it's a whole other story. :)

Glad to hear the boys sorted it, perhaps a social story for both of them. One for your son explaining boundaries and appropriate ways of getting some ones attention, and one for the other kid on how to react in situations like the one you described.

Mum of 2 fantastic boys. oldest 21 yrs= newly dx'ed ASD
youngest 12yrs =dx'ed ASD, ADHD,OCD,GAD and tourettes.


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18 May 2011, 6:31 pm

No worries. Food for thought, anyway. It actually didn't occur to me until I read your post .. Talk about having an A-HA moment LOL .. or maybe a gigantic WOOOPS!