Gov't pd millions to vaccine injured kids
I was just sent this link, you all may have seen it. Just thought I'd try to pass it on, hope the link works.
: Government Paid Millions to Vaccine-Injured Kids
Link URL: ... r_embedded
Link Description: Youtube video
Mum of 2 fantastic boys. oldest 21 yrs= newly dx'ed ASD
youngest 12yrs =dx'ed ASD, ADHD,OCD,GAD and tourettes.
Thanks for bringing that to our attention. I posted many times....nothing makes me more angry than people who want to deny their children life saving vaccines. There are risks to vaccines, especially live vaccines. I myself have a very bad sensitivity to Tetanus and wear a medical ID bracelet to insure that I never receive another one. However these sensitivities are extremely rare and do not cause Autism. They can cause a lot worse things, like death and this unfortunate child may have died if his mother did not react or if he did not scream before becoming unconscious. Obviously this child was damaged, not purposely, from vaccines. What I do not understand is why they even want to bring Autism into this. All the people who have been given money from the government for the care of their children have far more serious problems than Autism. Why some doctor wants to throw Autism on top of the severe brain damage, mental retardation, and seizure disorder is a mystery to me. Its just another excuse. Id like to know why people want to continue to blame vaccines when there are so many other things like oil spills and other contaminants in our water and constant pollution of our environment....mines, power plants, exhaust fumes, chemical spills....I could go on and on. Why are these things ignored?....not, every freeking ailment these days is caused by vaccines. Im sorry but I worked in the medical field and I saw children suffering from vaccine preventable diseases and I know how many kids die because their parents refused to vaccinate their children. Where are the breaking, dramatic news stories about that??? Not as exciting as the government being out to get your children, I suppose. There is a tiny risk from getting a vaccine but a huge one if you chose not to.
Also people just need to accept that the human body is not perfect and some of these things are just purely genetic.
One of my posts was to some idiot who had to quote that over quoted faux pas from Bill Gates about vaccines lowering human population.....he said the wrong word people, let it go.....shesh!
Hey I just passed on what was sent to me,
I'm all for vaccines, they've done more good than harm from what I can see. If vaccines caused my child (not saying they did) to become autistic or aspie, I would still take that risk. The risk of worse outcomes associated with not vaccinating is much much higher
Mum of 2 fantastic boys. oldest 21 yrs= newly dx'ed ASD
youngest 12yrs =dx'ed ASD, ADHD,OCD,GAD and tourettes.
I watched that announcement and the interesting statistic was that their preliminary research found the vaccine damaged population to be 3X as likely to be autistic than the general population and the majority of them were being reimbursed for damage done by the DTAP vaccines and a few for MMR. I don't know to what degree the autism was counted though, if they included HFA it's less remarkable because there was a recent S. Korean study that showed 1/38 had autistic traits vs. USA's statistic of 1/100 - and the numbers aren't different because S. Korea has more autism, they're different because the US never did a study on it so thoroughly.
I was serious when I said thanks for posting...I like to know whats going on. No need to be sorry or embarrassed.
Also the thing they dont bring to the attention of the public is that the brain damage is due to lack of oxygen to the brain...not from the vaccine itself. People who have reactions can go into anaphylactic shock which closes your airway and causes you to pass out and die or if you are revived you can have brain damage. Nearly anything and everything can cause an allergic reaction and this is what happens to these kids, they have a life threatening allergic reaction.
The Korean study was performed by Autism Speaks. I can not see why this study was not done in the US, lack of funds maybe?
I've really tried to stay away from this topic bc of the controversial nature but some children ARE damaged by vaccines. Not just allergic reactions but having damaged immune systems from being overloaded by vaccination at such an early age. Vaccinating my daughter triggered an arthritis flare up immediately .. this is a lifelong debilitating illness for her. She has been diagnosed with diabetes (another auto immune disorder) and is screened twice yearly for thyroid and celiac based on her borderline symptoms/ test results.
Her asperger/sensory issues have been evident since birth and I agree that is hereditary and not vaccine related. I just feel that they safety/amount/and types of vaccines need to be evaluated. Not every disease known to man needs a vaccine. Many countries do not begin vaccinating until 2 yrs of age and they do have a much lower rate of SIDS than countries where vaccines are begun at such early ages.
So no, not all children are harmed by vaccines but some are and I fully believe my child is one of them.
Michelle K. - OCD, undiagnosed Aspergers
Mom to Jordan age 10 - Sensory Integration Disorder, undiagnosed Aspergers, Diabetes, JRA
Again, why the vaccines??? what about what is in your tap water?? Why are the pollutants that are dumped into our environment every day ignored and vaccines are blamed for just about every disease lately? Ive been told my auto immune disorder is also caused by vaccines by other people and you are saying that your child also contracted auto immune diseases because of vaccines. Im not trying to be mean or nasty or start a war, I want to know why people think this is so? Why ignore the poisons and neuro toxins we use every day? spray, air freshener, flea spray, paint...I could go on and on. What about the mines and factories belching out poisons into the air we breath and into the water we drink and the fish that we eat swim in?...exhaust from cars and planes? All these things are ignored and people all want to point the finger at vaccines, its not really logical if you think about it.
As I said, I agree that people can be sensitive (allergic) to some component of a vaccine but then again some people can be sensitive to peanuts...this does not make peanuts responsible for diseases or autism.
You didnt do a very good job of not being mean and nasty sounding there.. just so you know. I do not assume you are ignorant but you seem to assume everyone who believes vaccines are a cause to a problem are apparently ignorant. Passion about a subject is great but taking a deep breath and actually listening to others opinions is also a great thing.
Yes pollutants play there part and we avoid all that as much as we can too. This question can go both ways too .. why assume its everything but the vaccines? At any rate I know my own experience. And I know others have had that same experience. I do not believe vaccines are as safe as you do. That will not change. Some people are sensitive to vaccines without having an allergy. Just like some people are sensitive to gluten without an allergy. Still damaging to SOME people. Allergies are not the only damaging effect of chemicals and vaccines, food additives, etc.
As I said before I am not against vaccines. I believe feel that they safety/amount/and types of vaccines need to be re-evaluated.
Michelle K. - OCD, undiagnosed Aspergers
Mom to Jordan age 10 - Sensory Integration Disorder, undiagnosed Aspergers, Diabetes, JRA
I do not assume that everyone is ignorant, I was simply asking questions. Which part of my post sounds mean and nasty to you? I actually went out of my way to literally say that I did not want to be mean or nasty or start a war. As I say, I was asking questions and not only to you. Sorry to single you out by asking you a direct question. I sometimes do not phrase things correctly which, again, is why I pointed out that I did not want to come off as mean.
I dont understand why people can not have a logical conversation or civil argument. I do understand that emotions play a part in people getting angry when someone disagrees with them but its also easy to get emotional when you know of children dying because of this issue. Also Aspies tend to enjoy being right and do have issues seeing others points of view. Still I sometimes really enjoy debating/arguing a point....Its healthy and I often learn from it. I try to hold my urges and needs to be right at bay and I do try to listen to other people. I seriously do want to know the answers to these questions because this witch hunt makes no sense to me. I have read a lot and most of what I see is that people just "know" that whatever their child has was caused by a vaccine. I want to know why?
I did mention that I have an allergy to a vaccine so I do know that this exists but I want to understand why it is the primary cause of everything all the sudden (not saying that you said that this is what Im getting from outside sourses).
I think that too many things are being covered up and hidden, like all the pollutants that I mentioned. Its almost like we are hunting the wrong poachers. Take BP oil, for example,trying to hide the fact that what they have done to the ocean not only with the oil itself but the thousands of tons of detergent they also put into the sea to "clean" the oil. Now they are saying that none of this affected the wildlife or the ocean that much. A lot of people just seem to accept these sorts of things. It doesnt matter that there are baby dolphins washing up on the gulf coast nearly every day (just to name one example of the damage) such a rate that they are not even disposing of them. They just sit on the beach and rot.
Anyway, Im just trying to understand others perspectives and ideas and putting mine out there. If this was done incorrectly by me or that you misunderstand me it will certainly not be the first time but I will apologize regardless.
Sorry too.. I'm not mad just years of having drs / etc talk to me like I'm a blithering idiot on this one. LOL
As to answer your question.. arthritis is pretty much believed to be hereditary buy requiring some environmental trigger. In other you are predisposed to develop an arthritic reaction. Jordan got her first round of vaccines late at 1 yr of age. She had a reaction but not the standard allergic reaction. She cried for over 3 hours. Of course being a sensitive aspie kind a gal that could have played a large part in that as well. Anywho.. Her arthritis started up within a week of the vaccines and she gained a second joint in the second round. She did not add new joints with vaccines done one a time at least a week a part. Since then Jordan has consistently gained new joint involvement with every illness.
I just think people are so busy hollering they are safe that no one is bothering to look at when they are not as safe. I read that it was better to do shots one at a time with a week between them for kids that were more prone to issues. Why cant they do a basic screening to help decide when a child should maybe not get 6 or 7 vaccines all at once? I dont think it would take much to make the vaccine system better. I just think no one wants to admit that some kids are more sensitive to the immune stimulation than others.
But like most things its all buy impossible to prove either way. have a great day and sorry for being bitchy.. kinda stressed to the limit this week and too easy to be snippy online I suppose.
Michelle K. - OCD, undiagnosed Aspergers
Mom to Jordan age 10 - Sensory Integration Disorder, undiagnosed Aspergers, Diabetes, JRA
No problem
I also have a form of arthritis called Ankylosing Spondylitis and they think I have some other degenerative disease as well. I spent the day in the hospital this past Wednesday so they could do another MRI and took about 20 tubes of blood from me. I hope they find out what else is going on. They have my old MRI's and CT to compare. I wont know anything until the end of June. I guess there are some blood tests that take weeks to come back. My symptoms started around age 27 and Im 43 now. So Its not like I havent waited a long time and been tested a lot but this doctor is very hell bent on finding all my problems and helping me. Ive been living in serious chronic pain for about three years now. I was refused a diagnosis in the US (I actually got one around age 27 but could not find the documentation after I moved away and when I contacted the doctor he did not want to help me as he did not see me for so long that he did not want to be involved). Fusion of the Sacro iliac joints are the cornerstone of the disease, which I have, but since my HLA-B27 was negative and my blood tests did not show any major inflamation no one wanted to diagnose me until I moved here to france. Now I have very serious problems, I have trouble walking and can not sit for more than 20 minutes. Fortunately they have a lot of help for handicapped people and I have two Aspergers as well. I get two nice ladies that come and clean my house and help me with my kids.
I know there is a type of arthritis called "reactive arthritis" and I believe there is a juvenile form of that as well, is this what your daughter has? It is typically started by some pathogen or viral infection.
There also have been more kids diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis because they understand the disease better now and can catch it earlier. It typically starts between early teens and around 30 or so but they are finding kids as young as 9 with it now.
Hopefully someday they will find the reason and cures for these types of diseases....this is something I will thankfully take a cure for or a reversal. I now have not only horrible pain but my spine is deformed and I can not do many of the things I used to enjoy...martial arts and hiking. Also because they would not help me when I lived in the US I now have permanent nerve damage and loss of strength in my right side...especially my leg.
I cant imagine having this type of pain as a child. I tend to under react to pain or to have a high pain Midwife would get mad at me because Id forget to tell her I was having contractions. This pain is hard to ignore though (I sometimes wonder if its because I do not know if there is ever an end to it) and I have to take pain meds on a daily basis. Maybe by the time your daughter is my age they will have found better ways of dealing with this. I have been on Embrel but it didnt work out very well. Does your daughter take any anti TNF's?....I know these are more scary for children because their risk of getting cancer is higher also I dont think they try them until they are in their teens.
I know you probably already do this but tell your daughter she is a very brave girl!
So sorry to hear you have struggled so much to get help. I have a friend with that form of arthritis and it is horrible to see how much it has damaged him and the amount of pain he is in. Very frightening to see as a mother of an arthritic child. Hopefully Jordans will not be that severe but she is a very strong spirit.
Thankfully we have insurance so Jordans stuff has always been well taken care of and I learned long ago how to navigate around with nurses and drs. lol Jordans arthritis is considered the same rhumatioid arthritis the elderly get. That happens in about 2% of the juvenile cases. At this point her damage is pretty minimal due to aggressive treatment except in one wrist. She is on enbril, methotrexate, and meloxicam and has had 14 joint injections to date with the first one being at age 21mos so it has been a long haul.
Her arthritis is very reactive though but it is also constant. Thankfully she is typically well controlled and not in a lot of pain. When she has a major flare up things get really bad and only a joint injection seems to work. the last 2 major flares left her barely able to walk for months without severe pain so as much as I hate the injections they are unavoidable.
Michelle K. - OCD, undiagnosed Aspergers
Mom to Jordan age 10 - Sensory Integration Disorder, undiagnosed Aspergers, Diabetes, JRA
I wish the cortisone injections worked for me, they have tried those too. I have had one surgery to replace a disk. I was in a study but they basically ignored all my other problems and I think the disk replacement actually exasperated my other problems. I seemed to get worse rather than better.
They had me stop my Embrel last week. I havent noticed any big change so maybe it really didnt do much. I thought it was helping but maybe that was wishful thinking.
I start some physiotherapy next week....I have not had any PT since I got here to France so Im looking forward to it....they also do a lot of massage and hydrotherapy. Hot water makes me feel really good....also my heating pad is a must even when its hot outside. They try to get me to use ice but I have a really bad sensitivity to cold so it just makes me tense up more.
It does really suck to have this and sensory issues at the same time!
I hope they find a cure soon for your daughter (and the rest of us) and that the Embrel and MTX prevents any deformities or any more progression. They will probably try me on another Anti-TNF later because I feel like Im literally falling apart.
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