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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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21 Aug 2006, 2:04 am

I am concerned about my 11 y/o son, Jesse.

Before yesterday, I had never heard of AS. I have always felt there was something wrong with my child. From an early age he has been "different" than the other kids. At 1-1/2 years my mother-in-law made him some Jello Easter Eggs. He looked excited and bit into it. He started'd think she had put Jalepinos in it or something. Other oddities include:

Rambles on about his interests...I call it explaining the explanation.
Very uncoordinated-plays sports, but still cant catch the ball, cant throw the ball like the other kids, cant open a jar, can't cut his meat and other food without getting frustrated.
Has horrible handwriting
Rarely makes eye contact, yet it has gotten better over the years
Has a major lisp that has not gotten better even after 4 years of speech therapy.
He has a gag reflex, and forgets to swallow...often drools on himself
He cries when hes sure he understands something well, but fails to get answer right
Not good at talking on the phone, has a hard time relaying messages...
He has friends...but only ones that are interested in all the same things he is...Lego's, YuGiOh, Kindom Hearts
Does well in school, makes decent grades. He was tested for the gifted and talented education, but did not make it.
Very scared of bugs. He will avoid using restroom even if bug is on other side of room, and tends to scan each room before he walks in to make sure there are no bugs
Not scared of most scary movies...but has a hard time watching "my favorite martian", and even when he was two yrs he could recognize by the first couple notes of the commercial that "George of the Jungle" radio commercial was on, and would scream.
Has nervous habits that come and go such as eye tics, clearing the throat, making a humming noise.

I have taken him to a psycologist and a pediatrician for some of these traits mentioned above, and the Dr's didn't think there was anything to worry about.

I recently reconnected with his biological father, whom he has never met. He mentioned that Jesse sounds like his nephew, who has been diagnosed with AS.

Do you think he has AS? I appriciate any help or suggestions you might have.

-worried mom


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21 Aug 2006, 2:32 am

Sounds like it to me. Granted alot people here will get their panties in a wad unless
I tell you should see a doctor for an offical dx.

Those nervous habits you mention sound alot like tourettes which is common in
AS and/or ADHD. I will be honest I tend to put my faith in drugs and not much else.
The world is chemistry and nothing else.

My druging suggestions:

guanfacine : motor tics, hyperiness

ssri such as generic Prozac: for reducing in social fear


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21 Aug 2006, 7:08 am

i say find a new dr......quick! ...lots of his symptoms sound like AS or PDD at least..........your son should really be formally tested to rule out any other possible disorders.

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21 Aug 2006, 9:33 am

TheMachine1 wrote:
Sounds like it to me. Granted alot people here will get their panties in a wad unless
I tell you should see a doctor for an offical dx.

Those nervous habits you mention sound alot like tourettes which is common in
AS and/or ADHD.

Our neighbor's boy has Tourette's and PDD-NOS. His habit is always the same as opposed to my son who almost never stuttered or fidgeted or stimmed unless under extreme stress. The nervous habits could be stimming which is more in the ASD area?

Yes, get a different doctor, work toward a more thorough diagnosis.

The more I hang out here, the more I realize there are so very many different aspects and what they call co-morbids - conditions that co-exist with the ASD. My son has non-verbal learning disorder, sensory issues, hyperlexia, central auditory processing disorder and other things that are all part of his ASD. But, others might have dyslexia and other issues.

His psychiatrist thought he might also have some other things, but once we stabilized his environment and started to understand more about him, many of those things eased up and have gotten much better.


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25 Aug 2006, 9:31 pm

I've read about a book titled, "Asperger's Huh?". It's basically written for kids between the ages of 7 and 12.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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27 Aug 2006, 6:20 pm

thank you for your thoughts and advice. I'll be sure to check out that book! Knowing that there is so much support in this community is comforting, thank you!