i love those times when things change. you know, those periods where a new skill suddenly clicks for your kid, or they zoom up the development chart even if just for a sec.
i thought i'd share our recent victory. our super picky eater, 5 yo autie K, has accepted a few new foods all of a sudden. last week i was making tuna fish for his brother, and K requested mayonnaise on bread. i was shocked, but we always honor requests like that, so i gave him half a mayo sandwich, thinking it would just go to waste anyway. this child has never eaten mayo, hardly eats anything and NEVER tries anything new. he actually ate it, and came back to me and said, "another mayonnaise sandwich please!"
two days later, his teacher told us at his spring conference that he ate lettuce at lunch, and even asked for more! thats a vegie-a-table! besides pizza sauce, thats the only vegie hes ever eaten. no dressing, just plain shredded lettuce.
ahhh small victories.
this week we are celebrating the victory by cementing our claim to the "worst parents in the world" title. we have agreed to K's request for the last three days for mayonnaise sandwiches for dinner.
i figure its no worse than what he usually eats, and he could use the extra fat in his diet since hes gotten so skinny lately from being picky.
what small victories have you all had lately?
Neurotypically confused.
partner to: D - 40 yrs med dx classic autism
mother to 3 sons:
K - 6 yrs med/school dx classic autism
C - 8 yrs NT
N - 15 yrs school dx AS