small victories, and mayonnaise sandwiches

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25 May 2011, 4:54 pm

i love those times when things change. you know, those periods where a new skill suddenly clicks for your kid, or they zoom up the development chart even if just for a sec.

i thought i'd share our recent victory. our super picky eater, 5 yo autie K, has accepted a few new foods all of a sudden. last week i was making tuna fish for his brother, and K requested mayonnaise on bread. i was shocked, but we always honor requests like that, so i gave him half a mayo sandwich, thinking it would just go to waste anyway. this child has never eaten mayo, hardly eats anything and NEVER tries anything new. he actually ate it, and came back to me and said, "another mayonnaise sandwich please!"

two days later, his teacher told us at his spring conference that he ate lettuce at lunch, and even asked for more! thats a vegie-a-table! besides pizza sauce, thats the only vegie hes ever eaten. no dressing, just plain shredded lettuce.

ahhh small victories.

this week we are celebrating the victory by cementing our claim to the "worst parents in the world" title. we have agreed to K's request for the last three days for mayonnaise sandwiches for dinner. 8O i figure its no worse than what he usually eats, and he could use the extra fat in his diet since hes gotten so skinny lately from being picky.

what small victories have you all had lately?

Neurotypically confused.
partner to: D - 40 yrs med dx classic autism
mother to 3 sons:
K - 6 yrs med/school dx classic autism
C - 8 yrs NT
N - 15 yrs school dx AS


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25 May 2011, 5:21 pm

I love the title for this thread. And of course giggled over "worst parents in the world" award. I thought we held that title! :lol:

Well, let's son E wore his new shorts to school yesterday. He has a really hard time transitioning from one season's clothing to the next, and takes a long time to accept new clothes into the rotation, even if they are acceptably comfortable etc. I bought the shorts, with his approval, but when I suggested he wear them on a warm day a couple of weeks ago, he informed me that there was no way he was going to wear shorts this summer. No way. No how. No matter how hot he gets. I wasn't thrilled because the money had already been spent, but have at least learned not to fight a losing battle anymore...most of the time. :wink:

Well, he was a little late getting ready for school yesterday, and came downstairs, last minute, wearing his new shorts! 8O I guess he couldn't find anything else. I was careful not to say anything, a little concerned because yesterday was actually pretty cold (high of 14C), but kept my mouth shut anyway. He was comfortable in them and now says he'll wear them again. 8)

Now, let's hope his brother follows suit...


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25 May 2011, 5:26 pm

I actually wrote a letter to M&S when I was about eight asking why on Earth they put mayo on their sandwiches.

I love mayo now.


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25 May 2011, 8:01 pm

annotated_alice wrote:
"worst parents in the world" award. I thought we held that title! :lol:

no, its definitely ours, and my SO guaranteed it tonight by making it four nights in a row of mayo sandwiches. and how many did K eat? THREE, yes, i said THREE, mayo sandwiches. i usually limit it to 2 and then limit more food to fruit or yoghurt or something healthier, but SO was in charge for dinner and i was upstairs, so K got 3 sandwiches.

we are ready for our trophy!

Neurotypically confused.
partner to: D - 40 yrs med dx classic autism
mother to 3 sons:
K - 6 yrs med/school dx classic autism
C - 8 yrs NT
N - 15 yrs school dx AS


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26 May 2011, 9:17 am

Sometimes I swear I feel like I feed my kids sausage, mashed potatoes and tomatoes every day. My son loves pasta all the sudden he wont eat his favorite tiny I guess thats a back slide :lol: .
On the other hand my daughter is now saying other kids names at school. Before they would come up to her and say her name and she would just smile or ignore them completely. Now she is saying their name first and she also does not wait for me to walk her to the playground after lunch she just runs right out so thats two biggies for us :D .


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26 May 2011, 5:58 pm

Today I took youngest to have lunch with big brother at the public school (where youngest will be next year). It went really well. He was so cute picking up his lunch tray and carrying it to the table. Big brother was happy to have little brother there so it was good all around! I just hope that youngest will be able to do it by himself next year. That lunchroom seems like such an Aspie nightmare! It's loud and busy, they offer the kids chocolate milk and there is no one to encourage them to make any other choice :( . But, he actually ate without too much prompting from me and after a little confusion about which door to go out of, we got out of there OK.


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26 May 2011, 8:32 pm

It's such a victory to add a new food to that short list!

Despite all of my creative, sneaky, and, at times underhanded ways of getting nutrition into my kid I have found that other kids have had the greatest influence. Bless the insidious pull of peer pressure. If one of the kids my daughter adores at school raves about something - she will want to try it. I don't know if she is sampling at school or not but thanks to 1st grade and the lunch room, that food list is growing - still slowly but much better than all of my sneaky tricks combined. It seems that her favoruite video games and cartoon series can have the same effect. If her favorite character loves something in particular, she MUST try it.

Whatever works, right?! I'll try not to be too insulted in my parenting skills by Pokemon...


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26 May 2011, 10:39 pm

draelynn wrote:
It seems that her favoruite video games and cartoon series can have the same effect. If her favorite character loves something in particular, she MUST try it.

Whatever works, right?! I'll try not to be too insulted in my parenting skills by Pokemon...

:lol: Lego inspired my sons to try chicken legs. They have these tiny chicken/turkey leg accessories that come with various sets. Apparently if it's good enough for a minifig it's good enough for them! (one liked it, one was really grossed out. It is a very challenging food texture-wise!)


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02 Jun 2011, 11:50 pm

I don't lie mayo, but if a dish requires it, then logic tells me it must be done this way.
Hence the mayo in the tuna sandwich.

Since a salad does not need dressing, I try to avoid mayo/ranch-like dressing. I like balsamic, strange feelings there.

Maybe he saw that the mayo-on-tuna as sandwich protocol? and was willing to accept is as such? xD

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13 Jun 2011, 11:21 am

DS learned to ride his bike with no training wheels! :D He has been wanting to be able to do this for quite a while now and he has the physical ability it has just been hard for him to get over that mental hurdle. He is so pleased with himself and I am so happy for him. It seems like some things are just so hard for him, like he has to try 10X harder than other kids that it just makes me want to burst with happiness when he gets it! He was so excited that we had to ride to summer camp this morning even though it was raining a little bit which he didn't complain about at all!